Top 10 villains 6-4

19 04 2010

6.Viktor Drazen (Dennis Hopper) 

Dennis Hopper

DRAZEN was involved in season 1 and plans, along with his sons to bring down Presidential candidate David Palmer’s campaign by assassinating him. 

The day is the second anniversary of his supposed death after an Operation, named Nightfall which was planned to bring kill Drazen. 

The operation was undertaken by Jack under the authorisation of Palmer. 

Drazen is killed after Jack believed his daughter Kim had been killed. 





5. Phillip Bauer (James Cromwell) 

James Cromwell

JACK’S dad worked with the Sentox gas conspiracy in season 6, and along with his other son Graem he covered up the loss of five American nukes. 

After that plan failed he tried to help Cheng Zhi in China’s bid to secure Russia’s sub circuit board, which would ultimately cause a war. 

Phillip was killed during the planned air strikes on one of his oil rigs at the end of the day after Jack had rescued Phillip’s grandson Josh. 






4.Habib Marwan (Arnold Vosloo) 


Arnold Vosloo

MARWAN was the main man behind Season 4’s terrorist attacks. 

But he escapes arrest after Jack tries to save from falling off the a multi-storey car park, and he would rather martyr himself as he slips out of Bauer’s grasp falling to his death, and making CTU’s task of finding the stealth missile harder. 








Who do you feel will make the top 3 villains? Are you surprised by the order so far? Comment below

Season 6 as it happened

6 04 2010

Main cast of Season 6 of 24

Season 6 deals with terrorist Abu Fayed, and his intention to detonate a series of nuclear bombs across the United States.

Jack has been under Chinese arrest since the end of season 5 but he is released after now President, Wayne Palmer, former President David’s brother agrees with Fayed to exchange Bauer for Hamri-Al-Assad who CTU believe to be the main person behind these threats.

But Jack finds out Al-Assad is actually trying to stop the attacks and after escaping he rescues Assad before stopping a subway bombing.

CTU then realise that these previous attacks before are just there to distract them from his main objective of the nuclear bombs.

Manning feels Assad still has something to do with the attacks, and Jack ends up killing him otherwise they will lose their only real chance of catching Fayed.

But one bomb is detonated, killing an initial 12,000 in Valencia, north of Los Angeles.

Phillip Bauer

Former President, Charles Logan is then brought into the day’s events after Bauer realised his dad and brother Phillip and Graem are behind the attacks.

Logan insists his links with the Russians can lead them to Dmitri Gredenko, a name given by Al-Assad.

Many are not pleased by President Palmer’s reaction after asking Assad to make a speech to his people, and his deputy Chief Head of Staff plans to assassinate the President and frame Al-Assad.

But Chief of Staff Tom Lennox tries to stop the attempt but fails and President Palmer is left in a bad state, with Assad dead as well.

Vice President Noah Daniels steps in with Palmer unable to continue.

Logan’s contact fails to give him Gredenko so Jack resorts to breaking into the Russian Consulate and forces Anatoly Markov to reveal Gredenko’s whereabouts

However Jack is then arrested as he tries to tell CTU, but when he does tell them he is too late and a drone is released, but fortunately a breach in CTU enables them to locate the drone and Jack crash lands it.

Jack then learns the shocking truth about Audrey Raines and Palmer’s sister Sandra gives her consent to bring President Palmer out of his coma.

Gredenko then dies after originally planning to help CTU, but warns Fayed about their involvement, although he is killed by Bauer who then finds two of the remaining nukes.

The Chinese then call with news that Audrey is alive and Jack is forced to nick a Russian circuit board, but is soon captured.  Bauer asks for assistance from President Palmer who agrees but then collapses, allowing Daniels charge again, and reversing Palmer’s decision forcing Jack to go dark.

The exchange of the circuit board and Audrey does not go to plan as although Audrey is handed off to CTU, Cheng Zhi makes off with the circuit board.

Nadia watches over Milo after he has just been shot

CTU is then infiltrated by the Chinese who kill Milo after he sticks up for Nadir and Josh is taken hostage by them.

Phillip Bauer has a deal to trade in the circuit board for Josh but Jack manages to kill all the Chinese and save the kid.

But Phillip then decides to offer the same deal to the White House which they agree to.

Jack finds out about the deal and realises his dad will never give up the board for Josh and persuades Karen Hayes for help, from her husband Bill Buchanan.

Phillip passes a bomb off as a decoy and manages to get Josh, whilst a strike is ordered on the oil rig he and Josh are on.

Jack and Bill get to the oil rig and manage to save Josh after he has shot Phillip, as well as capturing Cheng.

Jack does not go back to CTU as he talks to Audrey, resting at home with her dad James and tries to persuade himself and her father he is able to look after her, but after some thinking time he realise he is unable to offer her stability and kisses her goodbye for one last time.