Season 7

8 04 2010
Cast of Season 7

Cast of Season 7

Season 7 sees Jack staring the day being questioned for his actions of torture to stop the terrorist attacks. With CTU disbanded, the FBI become the focus of the series as they firstly attempt to locate Tony Almeida, who is thought to be one of the terrorists.

But it turns out Tony is working undercover with Bill Buchanan and Chloe O’Brian to expose a government conspiracy involving the CIP device.

Tony and Jack now work together with David Emerson and are given the task of kidnapping Sangala Prime Minister Motobo, whilst elsewhere the President’s husband Henry Taylor finds out from that his son, Roger was actually killed after meeting with his girlfriend Samantha Roth, but it killed by Agent Brian Gedge before she reveals anything, whilst Henry has been paralysed by Gedge, before he manages to kill Gedge.

Renee is then captured by Emerson’s team, before Emerson pulls a gun on Bauer, forcing Tony to kill Emerson. Jack then manages to rescue the Matobos and damage the CIP device as well as killing all of Ike Debaku’s men.

Henry Taylor

But Debaku captures Henry Taylor and before being able to rescue him he is shot by one of Debaku’s men.

The president now calls for her daughter and Renee learns about the planned attack on The White House with General Juma. President Taylor is then escorted to the safe room in the White House with Bill diverting Juma’s men given them enough time to get to the room. Juma forces President Taylor to come out with the threat on Olivia’s life.

Buchanan sacrifices his own life for the cause and Juma is soon killed after the explosion by Bauer.

Then in Jack’s hopes of tracking down the real people behind the attack he is framed for the murder of Senator Blaine Mayer and Ryan Burnett.

Olivia forced Ethan Kanin to resign and she becomes temporary Chief of Staff before leaking information to the press who force Olivia to divulge more than she wants to , forcing her to protect herself after having sex with a news reporter only in it for his own gain.

Whilst trying to find the bio weapon Jack is exposed before Starkwood gain control of it, pretending to help Tony with Jonas Hodges’ assistant Greg Seaton giving him a location of the bio weapon, which turns out to be false and diverts CTU’s attention.

They end up finding the bio weapon and President Taylor orders an air strike on Starkwood but Hodges bribes his way into a meeting with Taylor after threatening to release them on his own country.

Larry Moss

Hodges and Seaton are arrested after Tony manages to destroy the missiles and pathogen, but we find out Tony is again bad after he allows Galvez to leave the area with one remaining canister of the pathogen , and ultimately kills Larry Moss.

Kim Bauer comes back into the series after learning about her dad’s exposure to the pathogen and offers to help but he refuses.

Tony uses the country’s weakness to offer the people behind the attack the opportunity to release it today whilst the country is struggling.

Hodges is then killed, after his failed attempt to commit suicide and his witness protection turns into a disaster when he is killed ultimately by Olivia Taylor who wants revenge for the death of her brother.

Jack and Renee then learn of Tony’s connections with a Muslim who he has coerced into taking the blame for the proposed attack. They are able to stop the attack but after arresting Tony Jack is forced to help release Tony otherwise Kim will be killed. But Kim manages to survive the attack and gains information to locate the conspirators. Jack is recaptured by Tony and forced to wear a bomb when Almeida meets up Alan Wilson, the man behind the attack today, and behind his wife Michelle Dessler’s death, and his unborn son.

At the White House Olivia is forced to admit all to her mother after Ethan Kanin and Aaron Pierce find information about her connections with killing Hodges. Jack then deteriorates and is induced into a coma, before Kim comes into the hospital and decides she cannot allow him to die and volunteers to undergo a stem cell procedure that could save her father’s life.